Monday, June 8, 2015

Out of class - Hip Pocket - Like attracts like

I presented my hip pocket speech to a group of my peers, fellow DCP members.  I shared with them about the law of attraction, as discussed in The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.  I began with a story about how I was trapped in a relationship.   It wasn't until I decided that even if I left, everything would work out, but I had to take that first step.

I explained that the greatest hurdle I encountered was myself, and that my mindset was to stay in that relationship to provide for my children and myself, as I had for many years.  Once I believed that it would work out if I would just step out of my comfort zone, that is when I noticed that things began to change.  I needed to believe that I was successful and happy, and then I began to draw those experiences to me.

I transitioned into something that relates to most, getting stopped at red lights.  A simple way to test the power of one's mindset and to more focus on positive things is by attracting green lights.  By picturing yourself driving through green lights, and saying to yourself, "I experience green lights," you will begin to attract them.  The trick is to really believe that you will get green lights. Then the universe desires to give you what you want, so you will attract them.  This also works for red lights.  If you announce that you only get red lights, then the universe will provide that too, plenty of red lights.

The next transition was about bills and debt.  When dreading getting the mail, because you "believe" that you only get bills in the mail, then that is what you will find, more bills and debt.  A simple change in attitude can cause a change in what you receive.  Instead try believing and saying, "I receive checks in the mail."  It will begin to change your experience with your mailbox.  The universe
gives you what you ask for, you just have to have a positive mindset and focus on the things you want, believing that you already have it. Don't focus on what you don't want.

In conclusion, I talked about how there is no need to feel trapped, and that anyone can achieve or receive anything that they desire.  The first step is to believe.

The feedback I received for my speech was very helpful.  I found that I needed to get to my point quicker, I spent too much time talking about the situation in which I was stuck.  I also learned that my transitions needed to coincide with my slides better, I needed more rehearsal.  Another thing I could work on is dynamics of speech. There were opportunities to show excitement in my speech and I didn't seize them. I was pleased that the audience found me to look confident, maintain eye contact, and that I was able to hold my places within the speaker's triangle without fidgeting or pacing.   Overall, the experience helped me to understand where I can improve and gave me accolades that helped me feel like I was gaining experience.

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