Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Discreet Peeing for Golfers

The Euro Golf Club apparently must have been all the rage in the 90s.  I am unsure as to why it didn't catch on and become a household name.  The following 30 second clip sums it all quite nicely.

According to Marwell & Schmitt's Taxonomy Influence Tactics, the tactic used to sell the Euro Golf Club is garnered  from the negative esteem of others.  The ad leads the audience to believe that since the restrooms are so far away, everyone would have to wait for you to get there and then make it back.  Obviously this is a huge inconvenience.  Using a formal restroom delays everyone's game, UNLESS of course you purchase the Euro Golf Club.  Then all your problems relating to your bladder can be condensed within this handy golf club.  

You see, there is a lid that can be unscrewed at the top of the pretend golf club.  This specialized club also comes with a green towel.  The towel serves as a sneaky curtain to mask the contents being released into the club.  It is a win-win situation.  No one could surmise that you are doing anything other than checking the handle of the golf club underneath the green towel.  Days of carefree golfing are in your future if you purchase this club, for only $49.95.  It does seem to be a bit of a sexist design though. What about female golfers?

The fourth process premises are evident in the selling points outlined with the Euro Club.  First of all, there is a standard of reassurance.  The green towel is a guise that provides security so that the behavior of urinating in public will go unnoticed.  Second, the commercial explains that the club will work in a predictable manner, without leaking and it is completely sanitary.  I guess you probably shouldn't share this club.   The final premise focuses on the use of rewards.  No longer is it necessary to delay the game with friends because you need to use the restroom.  With the Euro Golf Club in your arsenal of clubs, you will be ready to relieve any pressing matters, on your bladder that is.  


  1. Wow. Now I know the reason I don't like to golf. I could never afford to buy a Euro Club.
    Hey, You would also never have to go back to the club house if you just add a little carbonation to it then you would have club soda on the green. :)
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Wow. Now I know the reason I don't like to golf. I could never afford to buy a Euro Club.
    Hey, You would also never have to go back to the club house if you just add a little carbonation to it then you would have club soda on the green. :)
    Thanks for sharing this.

  3. That's why I drive a golf cart when I go golfing. But this is just for males , what about the female golfer. I am just saying. When I watched the clip my, 11 year old was laughing. It will not be in my golf bag. Pretty interesting video clip for the golfer .

    1. I added a link, if you click on female, it will show you what is available for women.

    2. Bed Bath and Beyond has a great one that folds up into a little carrier and will fit in your purse.

  4. John they actually make a female urinal that works really well. I can show you one next time we come to class. But Melodee thanks for sharing such a enlightening advertisement. Gives a whole new meaning to the words keep your eye on the ball. I can see where there would be a need for this especially for those older gents with prostrate problems. Great find, I love it.

  5. Sorry I had just had to add a little more to that Melodee you can look up go girl urination device and see what I mean. They work really welll and you can even write your name in the snow with them. Sorry if thats a little too crude but they work welll for road trips as well because you can fit them into a bottle.

  6. Ok, this takes the cake!! A personal porta-potty for the rich and famous on the golf course! Well at least you have given us fair warning for the next time we see a guy golfing with a little towel in front, we'll know golf is not his only talent! Thanks for sharing this hilarious post.

  7. Yes! A simple solution for a real problem :) I can't tell why this didn't take off, maybe because the rules of golf state that you can only have a certain number of clubs in your bag

  8. You won't believe it, but it's still available!! Now known as the Uro Club (like urology) and the price has dropped to $19, but shipping is $17.

  9. I guess discretion is appropriate most of time, but isn't the nitrogen good for the plants? Thank you for sharing a silly yet appropriate analysis of an advertisement. Sometimes the silly products sold on TV are more entertaining then the shows they support.

  10. Nice Melodee, since I don't golf I didn't realize this problem even existed. Can you imagine this guys carrying around their urine filled clubs while they play golf?

  11. I don't care about Marwell and Schmitt for this one, though great analysis. I have two things to say. 1: I need one of these and 2: I where is the ladies model?

  12. This is great! Thank you for letting me know about this club. This is going to be a great gag gift for my brother this Christmas.

  13. Ha Ha. I usually scroll through and read the topics before I comment. Couldn't pass up on this one. Gotta love infomercials. Love when they go black and white and show the person struggling with the easiest of every day tasks or make a problem out of nothing. Or, as Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank would say - "Stop the Madness." This is hillarious.
