Thursday, June 4, 2015

Government Surveillance

Is Big Brother watching us?  
How much of what we do online and on phones is monitored? 

According to Christopher Soghoian, hacking is a favorite past time of many governments around the world.   His speech relates directly with the Reich's Cultural Parable, Rot at the Top.  This parable speaks to the powerful elite and the authoritative government which uses control and conspiracy against the rights of the common man.

Soghoian explains how most people know that governments can hack into phone calls and text messages, but believe they are safe on their computers and private Skypes.  This is not the case. There are companies that sell software only to governments which will hack into your computer, enable your microphone, webcam, and even steal documents from your computer.  Now you can be monitored without your knowledge, in your own home, and your webcam light won't even light up to alert you.

This speech created an awareness for and had an affective consequence because it presented the actions of governments which can effect the common citizen from most countries.  Soghoain shared with the audience a paper trail discovered when Egypt's Secret Police Office was raided in 2011, after it fell.  Gamma International, a company that sells surveillance software only to governments, had sent them free demo software, which is what the police had been using to spy on the people.

The second process premise was in play throughout Soghain's speech.  The emotions of fear and anger were both experienced.  There was fear that this technology was available. Then the fear changed into anger because governments were buying them.  Anger turned to outrage that these technologies were then used to spy on citizens without search warrants or consent.  Regardless of the country, there is a certain amount of privacy that everyone is entitled to, especially in their own home.

As Soghain illustrates, the reason this technology is of great concern is because while the government may placate the people by saying it is to target pedophiles, or terrorists, or drug dealers, there is no clear line drawn. We all use computers, and we all use phones.  If the government can hack into theirs they can hack into ours.  While technology is good, in the wrong, untempered hands it can be risky for us, that are not in the know.  The governments, as described in The Rot at the Top, is in charge of who and when people deserve to be hacked.   He certainly succeeded in making his point and explaining why we, as citizens, should be concerned.


  1. Great job Melodee! This is a topic I always hear about and I always wonder how much truth is behind it. It is crazy to think how safe and private everyone feels on their cell phones and computers when in reality once it is out there it's open for the government to see. I wonder if this lack of privacy is also applied to government officials.

  2. Being hacked sounds very disturbing. It is a fact that government can remotely activate phones, webcams and microphones on our computers, still documents and etc. Even they target "real bad guys", they have access to everything good surveillance use. Not that I have a lot to hide but it does make me feel uncomfortable.
    Thank you Melodee for bringing up this topic.

  3. It is scary how using the emotions fear and anger can be so persuasive. I believe it is one of the most useful and easiest emotions to use in order to get someone to act. I am sure if everyone saw this or knew about it there would be some serious problems. Fear is a very easy emotion to persuade with.

  4. WOW! You see shows that show where someone is looking at you through your computer and you don't even know it. Very disturbing that hackers can invade your privacy without your knowledge of it. I suggest we all get tape and cover our video cams when we are not using them. You wouldn't some hacker watching you write a paper or searching information online while you are in your underwear or less would you.

  5. This is insane. I figured that the technology was around but it is very scary that a government could do something like this. I did like the fact that the Gamma CEO had a sticker over his web cam because he knows what the software is capable of. What a creep. I don't think that it should be legal for any government to spy on its citizens. I wasn't even a fan of the patriot act when that came out. It give the government to much capability. You give someone an inch, they are shore as H are going to take a mile. That's just the name of the game. Rot at the Top? I think so!
